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Must Read Books for Self Growth

If you're looking for a lighthearted love story or a comedic easy read, turn right around my friend, this is the wrong list for you. But if you are looking for some deep soul searching, self-healing ish, then you've hit the jackpot!


When All Is Not Well: Depression and Sadness- A Yogic Perspective

by: Om Swami

Written by a monk, this is a hopeful new perspective on depression. He describes three types of depressed people as Please kill me, What the hell happened?, and Leave me alone. Om Swami offers solutions for physical, mental and emotional healing that make sense.

Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear

by: Elizabeth Gilbert

This book motivated me to chase my dreams. I recommend this book to anyone who struggles to believe in themselves enough to bring their ideas into fruition. Even if you think you aren't the "creative" type, I still recommend you read it. I thank my friend Mark for recommending it to me.

by: Rebecca Pacheco

This book translates ancient yoga wisdom into something that makes modern day sense, and teaches us how to apply it in our everyday lives. I recommend this book to anyone interested in learning more about yoga off the mat.

The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

by: Eckhart Tolle

So many A-ha moments. Written in question and answer format, Eckhart teaches us about the ego and explains how to stay grounded in the present.

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose

by: Eckhart Tolle

More a-ha moments. In this book Eckhart dives deeper into dissecting the ego and achieving peace and happiness. Everything he writes is medicine for the soul. I recommend buying his books in audio book form, for listening to in the car on long drives, his voice is very soothing.

Spontaneous Happiness: A New Path to Emotional Well Being

by: Dr. Andrew Weil

This book offers advice on how to evaluate your emotional health and teaches you how to create a personalized plan by making lifestyle, behavior, and dietary changes.

The Gifts of Imperfection

by: Brene Brown

If you can get past the sometimes researchy-vibe, there is a lot to be learned about courage, compassion, and wholehearted living in this book. The author is an expert on shame, authenticity and belonging and does a great job explaining the psychology behind the feelings of unworthiness.


So, I clearly love me a good self-help book.

I don't really have the ONE book that changes everything, what I have is a few books that I take bits and pieces from and weave them all together into something that works for me.

I know these types of books aren't for everybody, but give at least one of them a try, you might be suprised how it can change your view on things.

Have any book recommendations for me? Let me know!

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